Thursday, August 8, 2019

Suggestion to improve the course

In my opinion, this is my suggestion to improve the course.My first suggestions is to save power when not in use.Seems obvious but many of us leave computers powered up for long periods when not in use. Computer displays in particular use a large amount of energy so if you’re not using the computer for a while press the power button to shut it off until required, you can do this even if the computer is working on something. Remember that a screensaver doesn’t save power. Same goes for your computer itself, you don’t have to shut it down completely if you don’t want to reboot, just use sleep or hibernation mode. That will save energy but restore the system to its current state when you need it again.

           Secondly,make use of power saving features.All computers include power saving options. Using these features you can command your computer to perform various energy-saving tasks automatically, including shutting off unused hard disks, powering off a monitor after a certain time or even placing the computer into sleep mode after a set period inactivity. These are especially useful on laptops to help retain battery life.

             Lastly,my last suggestion is recycle responsibly.Computer hardware is packed with all kinds of material which can be hazardous to the environment so make sure you dispose of old components properly. Don’t just throw broken technology in the bin, take the time to track down local recycling schemes. There may be companies which can extract the valuable rare metals, or charities which may repair or restore items. You may even be able to sell some things yourself on eBay to make a little extra cash. If nothing else you should check with your local authorities to find out what facilities they offer for safely disposing of old computing equipment.

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