Thursday, August 8, 2019

Suggestion to improve the course

In my opinion, this is my suggestion to improve the course.My first suggestions is to save power when not in use.Seems obvious but many of us leave computers powered up for long periods when not in use. Computer displays in particular use a large amount of energy so if you’re not using the computer for a while press the power button to shut it off until required, you can do this even if the computer is working on something. Remember that a screensaver doesn’t save power. Same goes for your computer itself, you don’t have to shut it down completely if you don’t want to reboot, just use sleep or hibernation mode. That will save energy but restore the system to its current state when you need it again.

           Secondly,make use of power saving features.All computers include power saving options. Using these features you can command your computer to perform various energy-saving tasks automatically, including shutting off unused hard disks, powering off a monitor after a certain time or even placing the computer into sleep mode after a set period inactivity. These are especially useful on laptops to help retain battery life.

             Lastly,my last suggestion is recycle responsibly.Computer hardware is packed with all kinds of material which can be hazardous to the environment so make sure you dispose of old components properly. Don’t just throw broken technology in the bin, take the time to track down local recycling schemes. There may be companies which can extract the valuable rare metals, or charities which may repair or restore items. You may even be able to sell some things yourself on eBay to make a little extra cash. If nothing else you should check with your local authorities to find out what facilities they offer for safely disposing of old computing equipment.

The importance of privacy, security, legal and green computing awareness for society

The role of automation in sustainable development is not in doubt. Computerization in particular has permeated every facet of human endeavour, enhancing the provision of information for decision-making that reduces cost of operation, promotes productivity and socioeconomic prosperity and cohesion. Hence, a new field called information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) has emerged. Nonetheless, the need to ensure environmentally friendly computing has led to this research study with particular focus on green computing in Africa. This is against the backdrop that the continent is feared to suffer most from the vulnerability of climate change and the impact of environmental risk. Using Nigeria as a test case, this paper gauges the green computing awareness level of Africans via sample survey. It also attempts to institutionalize green computing maturity model with a view to optimizing the level of citizens awareness amid inherent uncertainties like low bandwidth, poor network and erratic power in an emerging African market. Consequently, we classified the problem as a stochastic optimization problem and applied metaheuristic search algorithm to determine the best sensitization strategy. Although there are alternative ways of promoting green computing education, the metaheuristic search we conducted indicated that an online real-time solution that not only drives but preserves timely conversations on electronic waste (e-waste) management and energy saving techniques among the citizenry is cutting edge. The authors therefore reviewed literature, gathered requirements, modelled the proposed solution using Universal Modelling Language (UML) and developed a prototype. The proposed solution is a web-based multi-tier e-Green computing system that educates computer users on innovative techniques of managing computers and accessories in an environmentally friendly way. We found out that such a real-time web-based interactive forum does not only stimulate the interest of the common man in environment-related issues, but also raises awareness about the impact his computer-related activities have on mother earth. This way, he willingly becomes part of the solution to environment degradation in his circle of influence.

Evolution of internet and web authorization

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity or authenticity of a person or an entity. Let's go back to the time that the world was not yet introduced to computers and the internet. If a customer of a bank had to withdraw some money from the branch, how would it take place? The teller at the branch would ask the customer for a proof to confirm that he/she is the valid customer. The customer would then sign on a piece of paper, which would be compared with the signature provided by the customer at the time of opening the account. With the advent of computers, the signature was replaced by the password. The user would set a password value during registration and then provide it each time to access the account.
However, as the internet has been evolving, authentication schemes have also been evolving. Let's take a look at some of the authentication schemes starting from the simplest HTTP Basic authentication to more sophisticated schemes.
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that is generally used for building web applications provides 2 forms of authentication – Basic and Digest.

My Native Language

Chinese                              English 

你好吗?                            How are you?

吃饱了吗 ?                       Have you eaten?

谢谢                                   Thank you

不好意思                            Sorry

你住哪里?                        Where do you stay?

Food In Malaysia

Food that i like in Malaysia is nasilemak. Nasilemak is a  Malay culture and Malay cuisine. Its name in Malay literally means "oily or fatty rice. But is taken in this context to mean "rich" or "creamy".The name is derived from the cooking process whereby rice is soaked in coconut cream and then the mixture steamed. The rice is normally cooked with pandan leaves that gives it a distinctive flavour. Nasi lemak is served with a hot spicy sauce and usually includes various garnishes, including fresh cucumber slices, small fried ikan billis , roasted peanuts, and hard-boiled or fried egg. Nasi lemak is widely eaten in Malaysia . More commonly consumed as breakfast in Malaysia, it is commonly sold at hawker food centres and roadside stalls in Malaysia .In Malaysia, nasi lemak can also be found in a night market with a variety of dishes.


Hi, My name is Koh Yong Chuan. I'm 21 years old this year. I'm currently studying at UCSI University.